Pempho kuno kwa Jokala

04-Apr-2018 | 16:08

Tati tipemphe nawo kudzera pa Mzinda kuti atithandize kuno kwa Jokala ku Zomba, nkhani ya mseu, mseu wathu kuno sulibwino. Matias Kalemba


02-Dec-2019 | 09:21

bridge yakokololaka kuno ku baka

Unruly behaviour of minibus touts in Kasungu

06-Dec-2019 | 10:24

In Kasungu, there is this growth of unruly behaviour of minibus touts who sometimes damage properties of passengers in a quest to force them board the minibus they are touting on. Its high time police dealt with this unruly behaviour as it inconveniences the passengers.

Njinga Za moto

06-Dec-2019 | 10:26

Kuno kukasungu boma T/A kaomba, anjinga za moto samayenda bwino komanso opanda zida zowaloreza kuyenda pa nsewu .. Chonde Apoli tithandizeni.

Bridge Wash Away

09-Dec-2019 | 09:10

The bridge at Lingadzi near sanctuary has been washed away by flood water

Drainage System

12-Dec-2019 | 09:25

On the high way to Limbe we have floods on the road and we request your assistance as traffic cant move.

Dranaige System

12-Dec-2019 | 11:28

There is a drainage blockage along along stella maris secondary school

Vuto la nseu

20-Jan-2020 | 08:55

vuto la nseu kuno ku ngerenge karonga. wadyeka kwambiri magalimoto akulephera kudusa

Poor road

21-Jan-2020 | 07:36

kuno ku nkaya athu akumagwira ntchito za find your feet koma akulephela kulandila chimanga chifukwa ogawa akusowa kuti ayenda bwanji chifukwa cha nsewu. Izi sikupangisa kuti anthu agone ndi njala

Poor roads

24-Jan-2020 | 08:53

Ine ndimakhala ku zingwangwa ku BT, ndimati ndidandaule miseu yathu mu dela limeneli siili bwino. Maenje maenje ndithu ndiye madzi a mvula akumadikha mmenemu, sizili bwino ndithu

Tiyamike Ntchito Yokonza Mseu

18-Feb-2020 | 11:23

Kuno ku Kasungu msewu womwe unaonongeka ma yenje ayamba kuukonza

Program Yokonza Miseu

17-Feb-2020 | 15:36

Kuno kwathu program yokonza miseu yidaimila panjira monga mseu wa kwa Senya to Chitete river ndi Kapindula to Chitete. Sitikudziwa kuti asembule ma plan awo ndiotani