Pempho loti atikonzere Mseu

24-Jul-2017 | 17:00

Kuno kwa Chinsapo tati tipemphe nawo kwa atsogoleri athu kuti atikonzere mseu wopita pa Kakule primary school.

Kuonga pa chitukuko cha mseu

24-Jul-2017 | 05:15

Kuno ku Mchengautuba tikuonga khansala withu chifukwa cha mseu

Pempho loti atikonzere Mseu

03-Aug-2017 | 07:20

Kuno ku Area 22 pempho lathu ndi lakuti atikonzere mseu wa kwa Nkomo. M'mene ulili mseu panopa tili ndi mantha kuti nthawi ya mvula udzakhala bwanji.

Message from the Councillor Nkolokoti Ward

17-Aug-2017 | 18:54

I would like to reach out to citizens in my ward to request them to be responsible and work collectively with us their leaders for development to progress. I have noted that there are some citizens that even with the presence of dumpsites in designated areas they still dump waste anyhow and I was also particularly surprised with the conduct of some citizens who destroyed Caravat rings that we planned to use. I believe as we request for development we too as citizens need to be responsible.

Kuyamikira Atsogoleri Athu

16-Aug-2017 | 08:47

Kuno ku Bangwe ndati ndiyamikire ntchito yabwino yomwe akugwira atsogoleri athu komanso ubale wabwino womwe ulipo. Chitsanzo chitukuko cha msewu

Ntchito Yokonza Mseu Ku Area 23

08-Sep-2017 | 07:17

Kuno ku Area 23 tati tipemphe atsogoleri athu aunikepo pa ntchito yomwe ili mnkati kukonza mseu womwe ukuchoka ku Chipasula kudutsa pa midland mpaka thanki. Mukuona kwanga ntchitoyi yayima ikuchedwa

Development in Sese Ward

13-Sep-2017 | 10:10

Here in Sese ward, Lilongwe. We have today officially marked the end of renovation work on Tongole bridge. Citizens requested action and it has been done.

Vuto la miseu ndi ukhondo ku Nkolokoti

29-Sep-2017 | 04:30

Kuno ku Nkolokoti ward ku Blantyre ena mwa mavuto omwe tili nawo ndi akuti ma bin omwe adatipasa m'misika akuchepa kotero anthu akungotaya zinyalala mu mtsinje ndi malo ena osayenerera komanso miseu yathu siyolongosoka


11-Oct-2017 | 13:20

Notice is hereby given to all residents of Blantyre City especially motorists and other road users that Blantyre City Council has embarked on projects to rehabilitate a number of roads in the City. Due to the nature of works and the heavy machinery used, the Council would like to appeal for patience and tolerance as sometimes one lane of the roads under rehabilitation would be closed for smooth works. The Council is upgrading the Naperi Bridge near Mustang Sally from single lane to two lane carriage, maintaining Kasungu Crescent and Moir (Chichiri Roundabout to Kwacha Roundabout) footpath and shoulders reconditioning of Zalewa road from Kandodo Corner Shop to Kameza Roundabout. A special appeal is extended to the residents plying their business along the road reserves especially from Kandodo Corner Shop to Kameza Roundabout to immediately remove their property. The Council would be compelled to use enforcement mechanisms provided by the law. Any inconvenience caused is greatly regretted. However, the Council urges the residents to look at the greater good of these projects. For further information, contact Public Relations Manager Mr Anthony Kasunda on 0999952457 or Director of Engineering Services Mr Grant Sichali on 0991554169

Zomwe Tikuyembekeza Kwa Khansala Litchowa

18-Oct-2017 | 12:38

Ine ndati ndiwafikire nawo uthenga woyamba olemekezeka bambo Litchowa omwe apambana pa ukhansala kuno ku Ndirande Makata. Tikudziwa ntchito si yawo yokha ndipo akuyenera kugwira limodzi ndi Phungu ndinso kukhonsolo koma alingalire izi: 1. Pa sukulu ya Makata ma toilet okwanira palibe 2. Pa msika wa Makata pakufunika chi bin chotayilamo zinyalala. 3. Miseu yomwe idalowa mkati yambiri silibwino. Atipemphereko kuti azapale monga adapangira ku madera ena ngati Bangwe

Pempho Loti Atikonzere Mlatho

11-Nov-2017 | 08:10

Pali bridge yomwe imalumikiza anthu popita ku msika wa 23. Anabwera aku Khonsolo nkungokumba ndukupasiya osabweranso kuzamalizisa ntchito. Panopa ana komanso akulu akuvulalapo chifukwa chasanduka chigwembe. Please help us

Pempho La Mlatho Ku Msinja

10-Jan-2018 | 16:20

Kuno ku Lilongwe ku Msinja tati tipemphe nawo kuti atikonzere mlatho pa Malili, madzi akumadzadza nkupangisa kuti msewu usatheke kudutsika mvula ikagwa yambiri