Vuto la mseu ku Zolozolo East

07-Jan-2017 | 05:04

Suzgo kuno ku Zolozolo ni mseu

Power Outage in Kanengo LSPCA Compound *RESOLVED*

06-Jan-2017 | 05:42

LSPCA compound in Kanengo hasn't had power for close to 36 hours now. There is a fault with the lines in Hulong Construction compound next to LSPCA. This fault has been causing intermittent power supply to LSPCA compound for the past 2 weeks.The power permanently went out 2 days ago and ESCOM has now known about it. I therefore ask ESCOM to please resolve this.

Elections of Mayors

06-Jan-2017 | 05:27

I would like to congratulate our friends in Lilongwe City for the election of a new mayor and would like to say we hope for the same here in Mzuzu. As for us citizens it is high time we really were vigilant to question the execution of duties by Mayors, our leaders make promises time and again but because we do not strive to engage with them and check progress our cities are not developing. Malange, Luwinga.

Tikupempha chithandizo kuno ku Chiradzulu

05-Jan-2017 | 17:36

Ife kuno ku chiladzulu zatibvuta kumbali yafeteleza,pempho lathu kuno mutatifusila unduna wa wazamalimidwe kuti ife anthu akuchiladzulu feteleza kulibe tizikagula kuti makamaka kuchiladzulu south,chimanga pano chikumasula tithandizeni, ndimakoponiwa makampani wobweletsa feteleza kuno sakubwela anthu akubvutika kwambili,ndiye programe ya m'zinda imatithandiza. Ine odandaula Evasi Wasi Mpethela

Tiyamike kuno ku Mchesi

04-Jan-2017 | 16:03

Tati tiyamike kuno ku Mchesi kuti titatumiza lipoti dzulo kuti zinyalala sizilibwino aKhonsolo achitapo kanthu, lero chigalimoto chinabwera. Ngakhale sanachose zonse chifukwa cha mvula koma akuti abweraso. Christopher Matumula

Kuvuta kwa magetsi kuno kwa Chinsapo

03-Jan-2017 | 19:56

Kuno kwa Chinsapo magetsi akupitirira kuvuta. kodi tiziti zinthu zikonzedwa liti. Ine bambo wolira

New Namiwawa pipe ya madzi yaphulika *Resolved*

03-Jan-2017 | 17:33

Chilomon ward, New namiwawa near top lodge. Pipe ya madzi inaphulika week yatha kupanga report akungoti abwera koma madzi akutaika kwambiri

Pempho kuno ku Mchesi *Resolved*

03-Jan-2017 | 15:37

Kuno ku mchesi zinyalala zaunjikanaso pa mchesi maliketi chonde adzaole, ana akumadwala

Ukhondo siuli bwino

03-Jan-2017 | 13:44

pamene pali mpopi wa Madzi ogulitsa kuno ku mchesi maketi sipali bwino chifukwa pafupi pali bin ya city nde zinyalala sakuchotsa

Atithandize kuno ku Machinjiri

03-Jan-2017 | 11:27

Machinjiri area 8 matukuta's house.Black out for 2 weeks we reported to ESCOM faults but up to now they didn't come to fix the problem

Apreciation and Plea

01-Jan-2017 | 09:54

I have taken note of people from the Lilongwe City Council on site at the dumping site in Falls clearing waste that had been reported to have accumulated for some time. Though we appreciate their response, my plea is that they should not only stick to their schedule of waste collection but also be responsive to collect waste as when the waste storage dustbin is full unlike waiting for the overflowing of waste and calls from residents to act

Tikufuna Mjigo kuno kwa T/A Nkalo

31-Dec-2016 | 07:21

Ife kuno ku Chiladzulu South kwamatope T/A Nkalo madzi akumwa abwino kulibe .Mjigo wathu unaonongeka pakanthawi m'paka pano anthu akuzunzika M'jigo unaonongekawu anatikumbila ndi aBakhresa limited,ine Evance Mpethela.

Tiyamikire pa Chithandizo chomwe talandira

30-Dec-2016 | 13:21

Ine mai Mwale kuchokera kuno ku Ntchisi ndati ndiyamike pa chithandizo chomwe tidalandira ku chipatala cha Kamuzu komwe ndakhalako ndi mwana wanga yemwe adali ndi chotupa, lero atitulutsa ndipo madokotala ntchito ayigwira yabwino


30-Dec-2016 | 12:44

Dear Our Valued Customer: We would like to remind you our valued customer that our water production is still below the required capacity. This resulted in some areas having low or no water supply for prolonged periods and to ensure equitable supply of water, we continued with the Rationing Program. Please be assured that normal water supply in all the areas will resume as soon as the situation improves. We really regret for any inconvenience that this may cause. Attached is the Water Rationing Schedule starting from Saturday 31st December, 2016 to Friday 06th January, 2017. MANAGEMENT

zida zikusowekera pa Health Centre ya ku Area 25

28-Dec-2016 | 11:21

Ndati ndipemphe nawo kuti boma lichitepo kanthu kuonesesa kuti zida zina zokwaniritsa kugwira ntchito bwino pa chipatala zizipezekaso mu ma health centre. chitsanzo pa health centre ya Area 25 palibe makina ounikira muthupi aja amati Scan. nde kuti tiziti Lilongwe yense aziti mupite ku Central??

Tikudikirabe Transformer Kuno kwa Chakhaza

27-Dec-2016 | 19:17

Kuno kwa chinkhwiri kwa T/A Chakhaza ESCOM inazayika kalekale ma polo amagetsi ndipo anthu anawapangitsa wiring manyumba mwawo za changu changu koma its now a year transformer siinabwere,,,,,pliz help us