Apreciation and Plea

01-Jan-2017 | 09:54

I have taken note of people from the Lilongwe City Council on site at the dumping site in Falls clearing waste that had been reported to have accumulated for some time. Though we appreciate their response, my plea is that they should not only stick to their schedule of waste collection but also be responsive to collect waste as when the waste storage dustbin is full unlike waiting for the overflowing of waste and calls from residents to act

Pempho kuno ku Mchesi *Resolved*

03-Jan-2017 | 15:37

Kuno ku mchesi zinyalala zaunjikanaso pa mchesi maliketi chonde adzaole, ana akumadwala

Ukhondo siuli bwino

03-Jan-2017 | 13:44

pamene pali mpopi wa Madzi ogulitsa kuno ku mchesi maketi sipali bwino chifukwa pafupi pali bin ya city nde zinyalala sakuchotsa

Tiyamike kuno ku Mchesi

04-Jan-2017 | 16:03

Tati tiyamike kuno ku Mchesi kuti titatumiza lipoti dzulo kuti zinyalala sizilibwino aKhonsolo achitapo kanthu, lero chigalimoto chinabwera. Ngakhale sanachose zonse chifukwa cha mvula koma akuti abweraso. Christopher Matumula

Tikuthokoza ku chilinde

11-Jan-2017 | 15:55

kuno ku Chilinde tikuthokoza kuti khansala wathu adakamba ndi a-chibuku ndipo pano pamalo pomwe sipadali bwino chifukwa cha kuunjikana kwa zinyalala akonza

Welcome Initiative from Blantyre City Council

21-Jan-2017 | 09:52

I would like to commend Blantyre City Council and the organisations they are in partnership with for the construction and rehabilitation of public toilets.

Tiyamikire Khansala Wathu Mbidzi Ward

26-Jan-2017 | 16:54

Ndati ndiyamikire khansala Mike Chimzukira wa Mbidzi ward popanga dongosolo la ma bin otayiramo zinyalala mu malo osiyanasiyana. Izi zikulimbikitsa ukhondo.

Request to collect garbage in Area 47

26-Jan-2017 | 07:49

There is a heap of garbage close to st johns covenant school in sector 3 area 47..therefore making the road to be narrow and a problem to parents picking up their school kids, can our Councillor intervene on this

Kuno ku Naizi tikupempha nawo Bin ya Zinyalala

23-Jan-2017 | 12:37

Kuno ku Naizi tikupempha nawo Bin ya zinyalala pa Msika

Pempho kwa anthu anzanga kuno ku BCA

26-Jan-2017 | 00:40

Ndati ndipemphe anzanga kuno BCA komanso Namiyango kuti mwapadera tatiyeni kumbali ya ukhondo aliyense atengepo gawo komanso pamene tadziwa zanjira yina yotilumikizitsa ndi atsogoleri athu ya Mzinda, tatiyeni tigwiritse bwino ntchito

Pempho loti atipatse Bin kuno ku Makata

27-Jan-2017 | 02:47

Tilibe Bin pa Msika kuno ku Makata ward ku Ndirande, kotero anthu amatenga zinyalala kukataya mu mtsinje wa Nasolo. izi zimaika miyoyo ya anthu pa chiophyezo chifukwa ena amamwa madzi omwewa

Pa Msika wa Kachere chi Bin chadzadza *Resolved*

26-Jan-2017 | 14:45

Pa Msika wa Kachere chi Bin cha zinyalala cha dzadza, chonde abwere azachotse